Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week Six

On Monday this week we got our assessments back. I didn't do that bad on this one but I didn't do as well as the last one we took. I think what I needed to do was go through my note more because I would know that the answer was in the notes but I couldn't seem to remember exactly what it was. I'm going to make sure I go over the notes more before I apply for reassessment tomorrow. On Wednesday we watched this cute video about particles and how they move in solids, liquids, and gases. The video referred to the moving particles as the dancing lumps which means molecule. We learned that molecules in a solid have a lattis structure. We also learned that matter never stops moving. On Thursday we came up with some characteristics about the three states of matter. We determined that as a solid particles move, they have a consistant lattice structure, is the most dense state, and is rigid. Rigidity is stiffness. In liquids particles move more than in a solid but less than in a gas, less dense than a solid but more dense than a gas, it has fluidity, a liquid is not a lattice, it takes the shape of its container, and is warmer than a solid. Fluidity is only in liquids and gases and gives the particles the ability to flow. Gases are less dense, have no structure, particles move most easily with more range of motion, and gases are the warmest state of matter. Another vocabulary word we learned is viscosity, which is the resistance to flow. The last thing we learned on Thursday was the three terms of motion. One term of motion is translational motion which is when the particles move from side to side or front to back. The second term of motion is rotational motion when the particles rotate. The last term of motion is the vibrational motion. This week we didn't really do any big experiments which I was disappointed about becasue we usually do almost one every day.

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